the east coast summer collection
On the East Coast, a lobster roll graces almost every menu during those precious Summer months and a vintage Lacoste polo earns more compliments than anything trendy or new ever would. Change is viewed as an unfortunate occurrence and each stop along the eastern seaboard reminds you to slow down, breathe in the healing powers of the ocean and treasure each warm day.

Beach, Please
For all the Beach Lovers out there.
Marine Collection
I am drawn to the ocean because it is the greatest of equalizers. It cares not who you are or where you came from, but only that you respect her and treat her with care. When I spend time near the water, I am always better for it. This collection consists of images taken in Australia, United States and Canada.
nantucket collection
This collection was shot on the island of Nantucket. A place I have wanted to visit for years and it did not disappoint. From the stunning beaches, each more remote than the last to the cedar shingled houses and amazing restaurants.
These images are meant to express the happiness that one feels when they step off the ferry or the tiny plane on to the island, a plethora of adventure or relaxation at their fingertips, all with a sea breeze and an American flag as their background.
Please enjoy!
Summer Collection
The season of bare feet, long days and sun-kissed memories. Summer is the season of outdoor living. The allergy sufferers have finally quietened down (joking, ahh choo, kind of) and we are all patting ourselves on the back for making it through another Winter, typically with a large glass of Sauvignon Blanc.
the Australia collection
A destination unlike any other. Whether you have traveled here or aspire to one day, these images make the beauty of Australia enjoyable without the jet lag.